About DCR Inspection Systems

DCR Inspection Systems Ltd.
Expanding from small beginnings, DCR have now grown to eight full time employees, supplying equipment to drainage companies throughout the UK and Ireland such as Welsh Water and Onsite, with customers as far afield as Cyprus. A friendly and knowledgeable repair service has been the key to our continued success.
Trading out of a workshop in south Wales, DCR now have a fully stocked shop for all your drainage needs, including a selection of crawlers, push-rods, pipe cleaning, repair consumables and more.
DCR are the only authorised dealer and importer of Ibos equipment in the UK, and because of our partnerships with some of the biggest suppliers to the drainage industry, including MiniCam, WinCan, Rioned, PipeAid, RIDGID and Wardsflex, we are well placed to offer advice and assistance on the selection of new equipment and consumables.
At DCR, we pride ourselves on being able to repair the majority of camera equipment in use today.
A fast, friendly and cost effective operation small enough to help the one man operation and large enough to tackle full main line rigs.